How to drink Turkish Raki?

Hi everyone (genderless, lol)

I wanted to write my very first blog in English to thank my Lawyer (known as a Legal Advisor in the Netherlands), Roy.

Roy is a lawyer based in Eindhoven, Netherlands. He is an expert in Business Law in the Netherlands.

Roy helped me with a very top-secret process. Throughout this process, he made me feel very confident.

After finalizing everything and seeing that everything he predicted came true, I realized that I was working with the best.

I bought him Turkish Raki as a gift for his excellent work. Raki is from my country, the land of geographically amazing wonders.

Now the question is, how is he going to drink Raki? I told him it’s a very complex process, and there are prerequisites for enjoying it properly.

Let’s jump into our main topic now.

What is Raki?

Prerequesites for drinking Raki;

  • Share it with someone you respect/love/care: We drink Raki with the people we respect.

What Raki is NOT:

  • Its not for partying.
    • It’s not a casual drink that you can shot in a 5 min before the party.
  • It’s not a drink if there is a loud music around.

Raki pictures:

  • Sunny weather: We dont Raki on dark or rainny weather.

Please do not hesitate me to say what to add here more.

Thank you for the patience that you showed till this end.

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